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Review: When the Heart Heals by Ann Shorey

Rosemary has spent a year establishing herself in the little town of Noble Springs after a dedicating time in a cavalry hospital working as a nurse.  Most people disregarded her as vulgar and distasteful because she had touched men during that time. While trying her best to become an independent lady she deals with someone trying to sabotage her and attack her on a normal basis. When she lands a job with the local doctor as his nurse and spends her time trying to win him over to her herbs and tinctures she also falls in love with him. As they spend more and more time working together they grow a fondness towards each other until one day a lady shows up from the big city of St. Louis and destroys all that Rosemary knows. (If I go further it will spoil it, so I'm going to stop here.)

When I first "flipped" through this book, the first chapter, I wasn't sure I was going to like it. Shame on me for jumping to conclusions! I loved this book. Read it in just a couple of hours! This book gains five stars from me! It has everything in a book I love to see. Suspense, drama, laughter, faith. Couldn't ask for more! I really can't write a ton on it because I'll spoil the story line if I do!

I received this book free of charge from the publisher and bookfun.org for my honest review.

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